Sunday, February 23, 2025

Old Timer's Column

| September 12, 2008 9:00 PM

From Bonners Ferry Herald

May 23, 1913

The businessmen and citizens of Bonners Ferry will attend the Victoria Day celebration given by the citizens of Creston, B.C., on Saturday, May 24, and have arranged for a special excursion train which will carry at least 150 people from this town and pick up parties at all towns along the line.

Practically every business house in town has signed an agreement to be closed all day Saturday. Two baseball teams from Bonners Ferry and the Bonners Ferry band of 16 pieces will go on the excursion train, which will leave here at 8 o'clock, leave Copeland at 8:30, leave Porthill at 9 and arrive at Creston at 9:30 in the morning.

The excursion train will leave Creston on the return trip at 10 o'clock in the evening. Tickets will be sold at the rate of one and one-third fares from all points.

The program of the Victoria Day celebration will begin at 10 o'clock in the morning with a baseball game between the junior teams of Bonners Ferry and Creston for a purse of $25. Athletic sports will occupy the time from the noon hour until 3:30 in the afternoon when the ball game between Creston and Bonners Ferry first teams will be played for a purse of $75.

Horse races will be held after the ball game, and at 7 o'clock in the evening, the Indian sport will be held. The day's celebration will end with a grand ball.

The excursion train will be run under the auspices of the Kootenai Valley Commercial Club, and this organization has sold nearly 100 tickets for the excursion.

Fire Boys Elect

Bonners Ferry Volunteer Fire Department held its regular annual meeting Tuesday night and elected officers as follows: W. D. Baxter, president; Otto Mathiesen, treasurer; Ernest Moore, chief; and H. O. Jackson, assistant chief.

The volunteer fire boys plan to re-organize with 10 regular firemen and will ask the town for a small compensation.

Arc Lights

for Main Street

At the meeting of the village trustees held Tuesday night, the chairman of the street and sidewalks committee was instructed to order the Bonner Water and Light Co. to replace all incandescent lights on Main Street with arc lamps.

Cleaning up the County

Officers of Bonner County have been busy the past week cleaning the county of fallen women. Habitues of the restricted district of Sandpoint have been ordered to leave the county and Sheriff Reemer and his deputies expect to rid Priest River, Newport, Porthill and all other towns of county of all prostitutes.

Prosecuting Attorney Costello came to Bonners Ferry Saturday afternoon with the intention of cleaning out the restricted district, but he was forestalled by the town authorities who had given the fallen women notice to clean out by Friday evening.


James McCormick, one of the prominent ranchers of Lenia, and John O' Gallagher, also a prominent rancher of Lenia, were transacting business in town Wednesday.

Mrs. J. S. Gordon returned to her home at Eastport Friday from Bonners Ferry where she has been in the hosptial with her two children who have been under the doctor's car for the past two weeks.

A word to our customers - We must insist that our patrons wash their milk bottles and set them out every morning. The milk man will never pass you by if the bottles are out with the tickets in them. The City Dairy.