Saturday, March 01, 2025

Noxious weed control program

by Julie GOLDER<br
| April 9, 2009 9:00 PM

The Neighborhood Cooperative Weed Program is a program where qualified applicants can receive reimbursement of chemicals up to $500.

 In 2008, 49  groups served 104 land owners and treated over 1,100 acres, helping reduce widespread noxious weeds  in Boundary County.

Noxious weeds are plants not native to Boundary County which cause harmful effects on native plants. 

 57 of these plant species have been designated as noxious weeds by Idaho law; several of which exist in Boundary County.

Common Noxious weeds of Boundary county are St. John’s Wort,  the Common Tansy, Houndstongue, Hawkweeds, Spotted Knapweed, Dalmatian and Yellow Toadflax, Canada Thistle Absinth Wormwood,  Leafy Spurge, Field Bindweed and Hoary Cress.

It is the responsibility of each property owner to ensure that noxious weeds are controlled on their land.  The Boundary County weed superintendent can be of great help in assisting property owners determine the most efficient and effective method of controlling noxious weeds, and in helping property owners identify noxious weeds.