Friday, March 14, 2025

Class of 1964

| August 6, 2009 9:00 PM

Drexel Turner Love from the Bonners Ferry High School Class of 1964 gathered a little information for her classmates for the All School Reunion.

1964 prices

Bread: 21 cents a loaf

Milk: 1.08

Eggs: 98 cents a dozen

Car: $2,350

Gas: 30 cents a gallon

House: $20,500

Stamp: 5 cents

Average Income: $7,338

Minimum Wage: $1.25 an hour

Top Songs

The House of the Rising Sun by Animals.

Oh, Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison

I Want to Hold Your Hand by Beatles

Chapel of Love by Dixie Cups

I Feel Fine by Beatles

Baby Love by Supremes

On TV in 1964

The Dick VanDyke Show

The Fugitive

The Beverly Hillbillies

The Flinstones

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The Addams Family

Gilligan’s Island

The Twilight Zone


The Andy Griffith Show


Johnson defeated Goldwater for President

Ford introduce the Mustang

Academy Award Winners were “My Fair Lady” for best picture