Friday, March 14, 2025

There's a Newer Situation Disguised as Patriotism in the Form of Militias in North Idaho

| August 6, 2009 9:00 PM

Recently, there’s been a significant focus on whether Obama was eligible to serve as POTUS and at this point it’s still a debate in some circles. Right now, that question is serving as a smoke screen for something even more questionable, the rise of “militia” units across the country.

While this country was established with the significant help of the militias, since that time there’s never really been any significant reason for the “recruitment” of militias, and that must give pause to find a logical answer.

Their general mission statement suggests that they are available for activation in the event of any type of emergency for which the local authorities have insufficient capacity to deal with on their own, inclusive of all the outside support that is available to them. That sounds like a good idea, but someone once quipped that if something sounded too good to be true, chances are it wasn’t.

Now, we come to the heart of the matter regarding these militias. Let’s consider for a moment their training curriculum, aside from the physical aspects; they would be “outfitted” with all the necessary equipment to function as an individual “combat/guerilla” unit in a potential adverse scenario. This especially includes “urban” situations.

Some of the general topics of study which they are required to learn, included under the category of “required reading”, are titles such as “Combat Skills” and “Light Infantry Tactics”, along with “Combat Leaders Field Guide”. Also highly recommended reading is “Mao’s Treatise on Guerrilla Warfare”. This presents a rather curious assortment of texts for required reading for units that are supposed to be “available” for activation in the guise of “community service”.

Also, as part of the training curriculum, additional “skills” cover such topics as ”Claymore mines,” “Booby Traps,” “Aircraft Recognition,” “Combat in urbanized terrain,” “Combatives,” “Grenades,” “40mm grenade launcher M203,” “50 caliber Browning machine gun,” ”Incendiaries,” “Infantry rifle platoon and squad,” “Light and heavy machine gun,”  “LAW anti-armor weapon” and “90mm recoilless rifle.”

Also included are “Law of land warfare,” “Special Forces – guerilla warfare,” “Intel interrogation,” and finally “Counter mobility.”

The “bottom line” has shifted somewhat. What originally was a community “service” organization has now become more of a “guerilla” combat unit than anything else.

The National Militia Standards are quite lengthy with regard to their operating parameters. They can be activated by a Sheriff or Governor of a state for emergencies or act autonomously to provide training and support to civilians involved in what can be termed as activities against “foreign invaders”, and since Canada is closest and a friend we can exclude them, or lawful authorities, which could be deemed to be “sedition.” Against modern technology, “weekend-type” militia units would likely have short “terms of service” in actual deployment.

So now the question must be put! WHO should determine whether a “militia” unit is to be located in a community? Should it be the right of the local population to decide the question of “need” or is it to be the arbitrary decision of a small group of individuals to decide what, in their opinion, is best for a community?

In the end, the only real winners are the companies and individuals who are selling all this equipment the “militia” members are required to have.

To paraphrase, “the preparing for war is good business and right now, business is great.

Dr. John Ivy

Vietnam combat veteran
