Friday, March 14, 2025

Old Timer's ColumnThe Bonners Ferry HeraldApril 24, 1914

by Paul FLINN<br
| August 20, 2009 9:00 PM

Benefit for the Baseball Boys

What promises to be one of the best home talent entertainment ever given in Bonners Ferry is to be produced at Kent’s Hall Saturday night, April 25, under the auspices of the baseball boys of Bonners Ferry and directed by Mrs. Nellis Jens.

The entertainment will consist of a real Coon-town minstrel show, fancy costumes choruses, duets, solos, impersonations, a comedy sketch, skirt dances, a society dance Tango dance Hesitation waltz, French minuet and other specialties to numerous to mention. A complete program is given below.

Those taking part in the entertainment are working hard at the rehearsal and it hardly seems possible that there can be a hitch in the entertainment.  The public is invited to a good  performance.  Get your tickets today and help the baseball boys out.  Reserved seat tickets are on sale at Simond’s Drug Store.

The entertainment, which will be given here tomorrow night, was given in Sandpoint April 15 and was a grand success.  Over 1,000 people attended the two performances given there and both audiences were enthusiastic.  Let us show Sandpoint we can give just as liberal support as they to home benefit.

Juniors Win track Meet

In spite of the stormy weather conditions,  200 enthusiastic rooters, including teachers and pupils of the local school, witnessed the inter-class meet last Friday at the Eagle Park grounds.  The meet was won by the juniors with a score of 41, the seniors being second with 32, the sophomores third, with 25 and the freshman last with 1.

Some very good records were made considering the condition of the track and weather The four receiving the highest scores will comprise the team to be sent to Moscow in may.

School District No. 14 Election

The annual school trustees meeting and school election was held in District No. 14 on the Northside Monday.  H.H. Hoagland was re-elected for a three-year term.  It was decided to sell the old school building to the highest bidder.  It was also decided to petition the board of county commissioners to make the district an independent school district. 


A petition was presented to city council Tuesday signed by property owners living in the vicinity of the S.I. bridge praying the council to forbid the owner of steamboat Crescent from removing and more earth from the bank of the river just below the bridge. 

The allegation is that the steamboat and barges are tied there.  The action of the water and the thumping f if he boats against the bank caved in the bank 10 feet of land has gone into the river during the past year.  The council could not act.  A committee was appointed to investigate the matter.

The county commissioners let the contract to O.H. Campbell for the improving of the Deep Creek Road.

The trial of Andrew Alrdrich accused of murdering A.S. Waterman will begin in district court in Sandpoint next Tuesday. 

The dance Saturday evening given under the auspices of the baseball association was a pleasing success both from a financial as well as a social standpoint. 

A large crowd was in attendance and all reports very pleasing evening.  The receipts after paying all expenses placed $40 in the association’s treasury.

The Bonner Hardware Co. installed a Bower self-measuring, self-computing, gasoline outfit. 

This is one of those outfits where by the simple turn of a crank, gasoline is pumped into an automobile tank or other receptacle and measured art the same time.  The tank in this instance is buried at a depth of three or four feet on the side street and has capacity of 280 gallons.