Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Armstrong resigns as Mt. Hall principal

by Gwen ALBERS<br
| December 3, 2009 8:00 PM

Boundary County School Board has accepted the resignation of Mt. Hall Elementary School Principal Angela Armstrong.

Armstrong is moving to Demming, N.M., where her husband, Virgil, will be working for the U.S. Border Patrol. Her last day will be Dec. 17.

“It was one of the toughest decisions I’ve had to make,” Armstrong said. “These students are just magnificent and I have a great staff and great parents.”

She began working at Mt. Hall five years ago, after her husband took a job with the Border Patrol in Boundary County. Angela Armstrong taught one year and has been principal since that time. During two of those years as principal, Mt. Hall was named as one of Idaho’s top schools for students’ performance on state standardized tests.

She has not found a job in New Mexico, where she grew up. Armstrong’s family lives in Las Cruces, N.M., which is about 60 miles from Demming.

In other business, the school board:

• Accepted Janey Berlinger’s resignation as a special education assistant at Valley View Elementary effective Nov. 24.

• Approved Angela DeVita as a part-time elementary teacher. She will be paid $6,068 with no benefits.

• Approved Riley Mayo as a Boundary County Middle School Coach for the 2009 season with a $952 stipend.

• Approved Brion Poston as volunteer girls basketball coach at the high school for the 2009-10 season.

• Approved Ed Moe as volunteer boys basketball coach at the high school for the 2009-10 season.

• Approved substitutes teachers Mikayla Brundin-Jordan, Patricia Burlingame, Sydney Dennis, Lacey Dinning, Jacob Garrison, Chad Iacolucci, Marcy Johnson, Barbara Leonard, Thomas Leonard, Riley Mayo, Linda Redmon and Sherry Turner; custodians Jacob Garrison, Andrew Sanders and Mike Schneider and food service Jacob Garrison.