Thursday, February 13, 2025

Elk Poacher loses hunting license for 5 years

by Julie GOLDER<br
| December 3, 2009 8:00 PM

On Wednesday, Dennis "Butch" Liermann Jr. of Naples lost his hunting license for five years after pleading guilty to two counts of possession of a bulk elk out of season.

Liermann also must pay $3,495 in fines, restitution and court costs.

Liermann and Roland Hall, 56, of Bonners Ferry were charged with possesssion of two bull elk after taking the pair out of season on Sept. 5.

Liermann, 32, had the charges reduced from two felonies to two misdemeanors in a plea agreement with the state.  He also will serve two days in Boundary County Jail beginning, Friday Dec. 4.

Liermann also received two years unsupervised probation.

In the agreement with the state, Liermann can accompany others hunting and carry a hand gun for protection.

On the evening of Sept. 5, Idaho Fish and Game received a cell pone call from a concerned individual in the woods in the Trapper Creek drainage north of Priest Lake. The caller had just watched a man shoot and kill a bull elk with a bow from a tree stand.