Friday, March 14, 2025


| February 12, 2009 8:00 PM

Returning state placer Trevor Hampton was the only Badger to win a title during the Bonners Ferry Invitational Tournament on Saturday.

A sophomore, Hampton took first in the 135-pound division.

Other Badgers who placed were Ben Watt, second in 119-pounds; Brandon Schmitz, third in 135-pound; and David Willems, second in 215-pound class.

Priest River won the tournment with 176 points followed by St. Maries 138, Orofino and Timberlake 108, Couerd’Alene Junior Varsity 84.5, Wallace 83.5, and Bonners Ferry and Kellogg 70.

During duals on Friday, Bonners Ferry lost 24-42 to Timberlake. Bonners winners were Tyler Verizer at 112, Watt at 125, Hampton at 135, Schmitz at 140, and Willems at 215.

Bonners Ferry lost 36-37 to Orofino after a tie was broken based on the most falls.

Badger winners were Verizer at 112, Watt at 125, Hampton at 135, Schmitz at 140, Thomas Osburn at 145 and Willems at 215.


Bonners Ferry

Invitational Tounament

103 1st Cole Jerome Kel, 2nd Breden Northington CDA, 3rd Wayne StocksTL, 4th Eric Midence WL

112 1st Cody Stewart Kel, 2nd Devin Street Wal, 3rd Kole Akre PR, 4th Bubba Pugh SM

119 1st James Hegge PR, 2nd Ben Watt BF, 3rd Ryan Hill TL, Austin Crisp OR

125 1st Thomas Kissinger PR, 2nd Chad Flatt Wl, 3rd Ron Cordle SM 4th Logan Courtney SMJV

130 1st Michael Skinner OR, 2nd Jake Gramham CDA, 3rd John Primer SM, 4th PJ Orsburn Kel

135 1st Trevor Hampton BF, 2nd Jake Waters Wal, 3rd Bradon Schmitz BFJV, 4th Vince Lopez PR

140 1st Garrett Demers CDA, 2nd Derek Charles SM, 3rd Caleb Nichols, 4th Zach Pickering Kel

145 1st Wayne Rabidue PR, 2nd Josh Coelho SM, 3rh Justin Anast TL, 4th Jermiah Yates PRJV

152 1st John Morris TL, 2nd Cody Rabidue PR, 3rd Bo Brooks OR, 4th Ryan Huddelston SM

160 1st Hunter Corn TL, 2nd Michael Lacey OR, 3rd Justin Hughes ORJV, 4th Johnathan Butler PR

171 1st Kasey Garland OR, 2nd Ricky Avalos SM, 3rd Mike Riley PR, 4th David Upton ORJV

189 1st Zach Irby OR, 2nd Chris Tweedy SM, 3rd Jesse Faler ORJV, 4th Geoff Boncz PR

215 1st Ned Florea PR, 2nd David Willems BF, no others

285 1st Dylan White TL, 2nd Drew Moreno CDA, 3rd Brandon WilburnWal, 4th Ty Beare Koot.


Bonners Ferry Dual

Tournament Results

Intermountain League results

Timberlake 42 Bonners Ferry 24

103 W.Stocks TL won by forfeit

112 T.Verizer BF won by fall 0:28 T.Muldonaldo TL

119 R.Hill TL won by forfeit

125 B.Watt BF won by fall 1:03 C.Mourning

130 W.Herring TL won by forfeit

135 T.Hampton BF won by forfeit

140 B.Schmitz BF dec 13-6 T.Roth TL

145 J.Anast TL won by forfeit

152 J.Morris TL won by fall 3:44 J.Neumeyer BF

160 H.Corn TL won by fall 4:31 Z.Heigei BF

171 J.Huges TL won by forfeit

189 L.Rylie TL won by forfeit

215 D.Willems BF won by forfeit

285 D.White TL won by forfeit

Orofino 37 Bonners Ferry 36

Tie-breaker most near falls

103 double forfeit

112 Tyler Verizer won by forfeit

119 Austion Crisp OR won by forfeit

125 B. Watt BF won by forfeit

130 M.Skinner OR won by forfeit

135 T.Hampton BF won by forfeit

140 B.Schmitz BF won by forfeit

145 T.Osburn BF won by fall 1:53 L.Dana OR

152 B.Brooks OR won by fall 4:38 A.Stockdale BF

160 M.Leug OR won by fall 5:39 Z.Heigel BF

171 K.Garland OR won by forfeit

189 Z.Irby OR won by forfeit

215 D.Willems BF won by forfeit

285 dbl forfeit