Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Care N Share appreciated for efforts

| January 5, 2009 8:00 PM

This year has been especially hard for many of us locals.

With employers laying off and very few jobs available, many of us have found it extremely difficult or down right impossible to fulfill our children’s Christmas wishes. It’s times like this that it is a blessing to be part of a community that pulls together to help one another.

Linda Lederhos and her girls, Stephanie and Valerie, have been handing out toys and clothes for families in need for 27 years through their Care N Share program. The program runs on funds and toys donated by people throughout our community.

Through the generosity of our locals, the program provided gifts for more than 60 families. That is amazing.

Every year Linda dedicates a lot of time ensuring each child is matched with a proper gift and a new outfit. And the night before the toys are to be given out, she and their entire family are out until the wee hours of the morning purchasing the remainder of gifts. True devotion to keeping that Christmas joy alive in the hearts of our children.

Linda, you are an angel to have created this program and have brought joy to so many. Your generosity and devotion is so greatly appreciated. We truly live in a wonderful community to have enough donations to have helped so many children.

We appreciate you helping our children smile when they unwrap a gift that would not have been there without the help of Care N Share.

Amber Reed

Care N Share recipient