Friday, March 14, 2025


| July 23, 2009 9:00 PM

Your Boundary County Militia, the 21st Battalion of Light Foot, has been busy as of late.

We have started organizing meetings in our home county, every other Monday, 7 p.m., at the Bonners Ferry Visitors Center, upstairs conference room.

And we have also begun organizing the Bonner County 17th Battalion and Kootenai County 55th Battalion militias. We consider ourselves a North Idaho militia with local command structures based on county residence.

We are growing quickly in the two short months we have “officially” existed, but we do need your help. If you would like more information about our mission and goals, please come and talk with us. We welcome your questions and comments, and only wish to educate our fellow Idahoans on the traditional role of the citizens' constitutional militia.

We had a meeting with Bonner County Sheriff Wheeler and under-sheriff Robert Bussey recently. Myself and Msgt. Anthony Miller attended the meeting, which was very open and enlightening.

We informed the sheriff of our mission and intentions; we are a grassroots, local militia, more closely aligned with the colonial militia of our founding era than the militias of the 1990s, which were, for the most part, politically driven, private militias and were well received.

Wheeler stated his belief that this nation was founded by Christian statesmen, based on Biblical principles and law, and that the militia “composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural and safe defense of a free state.”

We couldn't agree more.

I spoke with Wheeler about our wish to be available for call-up by himself, or Boundary County Sheriff Greg Sprungl, if the need arose (lost hiker/snowmobiler, flood, storm, etc.). He stated that he would be willing to call upon us to aid in emergencies as long as our members met the basic requirements and became members of their search and rescue team.

Our members, who would like to extend a helping hand beyond their duties in the county militia, can join their local search and rescue unit and receive training in first aid/CPR, compass/map reading/land navigation and basic search techniques.

After submitting the proper applications and undergoing a background check by the sheriff's department, our members will be available to assist their neighbors in emergencies great and small.

We, your neighbors and friends, wish only to serve our communities and prepare for situations we hope never materialize. I ask you to join with us in this great, patriotic duty.

Thank you and God bless you and yours.

Lt. Jeffrey Stankiewicz, XO

North Idaho 21st Battalion of Light Foot