Monday, March 10, 2025

'09 graduates praised

| June 11, 2009 9:00 PM

This is a letter in praise of our recent graduates.  Their academic and athletic accomplishments have been well documented by this newspaper.  Most of you know personally one or more of these fine young people.  I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a few things you may not have heard.

The leadership of the seniors this year was awesome.  When the Special Olympics team came through Bonners Ferry and did their presentation to our student body, our kids gave them an incredible welcome.  Spontaneous standinf ovations were given when the athletes entered the gym, when the headline speaker finished his presentation, and when the assembly was over.  The kids were a great audience and their response was genuine.

During our annual talent show there was an act put on by a student who showed great courage just being on stage.  The sudent body, again led by our seniors, gave her an incredible, heart-felt response that earned her the “Favorite Fan” award.

During our annual senior trip to Fairmont the kids were awesome.  They were very cooperative, and even though the weather ws aweful, they didn’t complain and they made adjustments to have fun anyway.

I feel very fortunate to have been involved with these kids for the last four years and I felt it was important to telll all of you what a great group our community has just let loose on the world.  I encourage all of you to get to know our kids because they are intelligent, hard-working, caring people who, given the opportunity and a little encouragement, will be very productive members of society.

Michael Cowley

Bonners Ferry High School Math Teacher