Saturday, March 01, 2025

2009 Kootenai River Rodeo Queen

by Julie GOLDER<br
| June 18, 2009 9:00 PM

When Alicia Hannahs was 8 years old, she got her first horse and has been at the reins ever since. Her latest reign is as 2009 Kootenai River Rodeo Queen.

“Pole bending is where there are six poles spaced apart and you weave your horse through them back and forth, and like barrel racing, it is a timed event,” said Alicia. This summer I plan to work more on my barrel racing.”

Alicia, the daughter of Dale and Jolene Hannahs of Bonners Ferry will help herd the roping cows at the rodeo at 7 p.m. Friday, June 26, and Saturday, June 27, at Boundary County Fairgrounds.  She will appear during the “Grand Entry” ceremony at the beginning of the rodeo. 

Alicia is required to travel with and promote Pro West Rodeos as part of her rodeo queen duties.  She has 10 appearances with Pro West rodeos planned this summer.

“As rodeo queen one must show good control of their horse, be friendly, have good public relations and be a good role model,” said Alicia,  who is thinking about running for Pro West Rodeo Queen in 2011.

Alicia is involved in 4-H, including horse shows, rodeos and barrel racing and pole bending.

The 17-year-old will be a senior this fall at Bonners Ferry High School.  Alicia plans to join the National Guard after she graduates and wants to study veterinarian medicine at University of Idaho specializing in horses. 

 Adult tickets for the rodeo are $10, children 5 though 11 get in for $5 and children under five get in free.  On Saturday night there will be a free family dance at the rodeo.