Monday, February 24, 2025

Paying for the Pig Skin Three Times.

| March 23, 2009 9:00 PM

Paying for the Pig Skin Three Times.

They just received a lump sum of our inflationary tax money through the national “Stimulus” package, but now the greedy officials at the local animal farm want to levy more money out of our empty pockets to pay for athletic directors, technology services, unneeded teaching positions, principals, assistant principals and extracurricular activities. 

The levy is for poor children who desperately need to have a means of character building that shape their lives.  What would ever become of our children if we didn’t force property owners to pay extra money for sports?

It is interesting how the children are presented as the main concern of the school district by the Superintendent and his minions and then they cleverly tack on all other pork after we start feeling all sympathetic and sad.

Here’s an analogy of what is happening.  Imagine that your unemployed neighbor comes to you and asks you to lend him money to pay for his children’s participation in football.  You reply that, though you sympathize with his problem, your answer is no.

 He responds by saying that he is poor, points out that you own land and have a job, and insists that his children have the right to participate in sports.  You say, “Sorry, my answer is still “no” because I need my money for my own children’s education.” 

Suppose that your neighbor then gets real mad, pulls out a gun, puts it to your head, and says, I asked you nicely.  I told you my children need an education.  You have a job, and I’m unemployed, so you have a moral duty to give me your money.  Then he clicks back the hammer on the gun.

Does your neighbor have the right to put a gun to your head and steal your money because his children need sports?  He has no such right.  Nor does he, or any number of your neighbors, have the right to rob you by getting the government to be their enforcer by pressuring local governments to take your money through school taxes.

Any school system that uses compulsory taxes is a system based on the notion that theft is moral if it is for a good cause.  No goal, not even educating children,  justifies legalized theft.  So you already stole taxes from the landowner twice, and now the third time around, you want to be fair and give us a vote to determine if you can take more.

 However, you will also give others a vote who won’t pay a dime one way or the other.  How about we make this levy vote fair?  Only landowners who will pay your small levy for all of those useless jobs and technology get the right to vote, and those who do not own land, do not get a vote.  Oh and one more thing how about we vote at a neutral site and not in your local animal farm.  I wouldn’t want any uncounted votes to get lost in the sty.

Eric Myskowski

Bonners Ferry