Friday, March 14, 2025


| March 26, 2009 9:00 PM

Tina Anton’s article was so right on last week. I have to respond on her behalf.

I myself have witnessed this disturbing behavior in the suburbs of Bonners Ferry as far back as 1964. I feel this issue should be firmly addressed with at least a solid set of rules for the jaywalkers on our city streets.

First of all one should pick a good location on the sidewalk from which to jaywalk. This location should be free of parked cars, so you can be seen by oncoming traffic, before you start your jaywalking.

 It’s so wrong to me when jaywalkers dart out between large vehicles parked close. Second, it’s always best to jaywalk in a straight line, especially on Main where traffic is much heavier. A person can use their peripheral vision to watch out for those hot rod drivers.

 If you’re going to jaywalk diagonally, limit it to those lesser used side streets. These arterials are much narrower and you can jaywalk diagonally in about the same time as you can walk in a straight line on Main. Always be courteous to motorist by waving and smiling. Nowadays it might even be someone you know.

 Never jaywalk after leaving the bar, without a designated jaywalker, especially at night. Never diagonally jaywalk at night on the side streets, due to poor lighting, and the sky-scraping structures that block all natural light.  

 One should usher children to at least age 12, so these children have a good understanding on the proper way to jaywalk in out city. This will greatly reduce our ever growing death rate. Be sure to hold their hands tightly, so as not to lose your grip on the little tykes. If you have more than two children, make two trips, don’t just expect the third child to follow along.

Yes, we have a lot of issues in this city. The school levy, an ever-growing wolf population, the job market, global warming, but I would have to agree with Tina on this issue. Please write your Congressman.

Guy Patchen Jr.

Bonners Ferry