Monday, February 24, 2025

Our Schools Are Not An “Animal Farm”

| March 26, 2009 9:00 PM

I do not have any children and even if I did, I probably would not choose to educate them in Boundary County School District No. 101.

  Having said that, I find Mr. E.S. Myskowski’s letter to the editor a complete insult to my neighbors and the community at-large.  Twice he referred to our schools as “the local animal farm.”

I will not criticize Mr. Myskowski for having an opinion on the school district levy.  This is America.  However, this is the most offensive printed  analogy I’ve ever seen since I have been a resident of Bonners Ferry. 

Our children have been called animals.  Our children have been lowered in status to that of pigs, goats, snakes and dung-rollers. 

Mr. Myskowski’s  limited intellect will not let him realize, that in making such a statement, he has slandered the very children he sired.

Most children do not have a choice in whether they go to public, private or home schools.  Those decisions are made by the parents, therefore, they are victims or beneficiaries by decision.  Denigrating children because of parental decisions is one of the cruelest forms of bigotry I can think of.  That reminds me of folks from whom the “N” word never pierces their lips, yet flows from their minds like cheap wine.

Unfortunately, Mr. Myskowski gets a D- in playing well with others.   This category often determines a child’s future success, regardless of education.  I’ve heard a lot of homeschoolers taking pot shots at our schools.  I’m thoroughly convinced that most of that criticism is rooted in selfishness.  They don’t give a damn whether their neighbors’ children receive a quality education or not.  I suggest you read Romans 3:1-7 in your Bible.

Finally, Godly people do not use their faith as a weapon.  They do not jam their agenda down your throat like a bitter pill.  Read Matthew 7:15.

The end result of Mr. Myskowski’s opinion is a whole lot of folks paying their property taxes with unemployment insurance.

Jerry Higgs

Bonners Ferry