Friday, March 14, 2025


| May 7, 2009 9:00 PM

President Obama signed the Economic Stimulus Bill in February.  Included in this bill was a $250 payment to anyone collecting Social Security.  I am eligible to receive this $250 payment, although I have not yet received it.

I decided to get a jump start on what to do with this stimulus money.  I thought the best use for the money would be at the Idaho State Liquor store.  Following is a breakdown of how I spent the money:

Idaho State Liquor Tax (3 gallons of liquor x $28)                 $84.

Idaho State Sales Tax (6 percent)                                          14.53

U.S. Government Liquor Tax ( 3 gallons of liquor x $13.50)     40.50

Liquor distillers                                                                    116.97

Total                                                                                  $256

I spent $6 in excess of the $250 economic stimulus payment.  I took that money out of my savings account.

  I’m doing my part to jump start the economy by spending my economic stimulus payment to aid the state of Idaho and the United States.  The federal liquor taxes go straight to the U.S. Treasury, helping to pay off our national debt.

But I didn’t stop there.  I also wanted to help the economy on an international level by spending money that would benefit the friends and allies of the United States.  I purchased the following types of liquor:

I purchased Kamora from Mexico, Jagermeister from Germany, Beefeaters Gin from England, Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch from Scotland, and several bottles of Yukon Jack and three bottles of Potter Crown, both from Canada. 

I still had money left, but rather than buy vodka made in Russia, I purchased vodka made in Idaho.  I bought one large bottle of Blue Ice and one small bottle of Teton Glacier made from Idaho potatoes.  This not only helps the state, but assists the potato farmers in southern Idaho.

I truly feel like I have done my part to stimulate the economy.

Bob Wyman


P.S. Vodka made in Idaho is pretty spendy in price.