Friday, March 14, 2025

Beta Sigma Phi's Women of the Year

| May 21, 2009 9:00 PM

Donna Irons and Blanch Studer were named Beta Sigma Phi’s Women of the Year during the group’s Founder’s Day.

Irons and Studer are committed to Beta Sigma Phi and Boundary County through service organizations. Studer is devoted to Boundary Community Hospital’s Board, while Irons makes quilts and sells raffle tickets for a worth cause.

Both women care described as caring, loving and giving.

In other matters, secretary Bev Saul and president Etta Mae Schnuerle presented a total of $1,620 to Mt. Hall Food Bank represented by Barb Hannah, Ministerial Association represented by the Rev. Steve Robins and Boundary County Community Action Agency represented by Christine Villanueva.

Bonners Ferry Junior Miss candidate Casey Watt, her mother, Shawn Watt, and her grandmother, Ruth Ann Wilson attended. Beta Sigma Phi sponsored Casey for Jr. Miss.

Cindy Kimball and Pat Noel from Moose Valley Farms demonstrated how to plant moss-lined flower baskets.