Friday, March 14, 2025

May commissioner's day in office be few

| November 5, 2009 8:00 PM

I was honored by Ron Smith’s ‘guest opinion’ last week in the Herald when he stated in part that he would put his integrity, honesty and dedication to the well being of this community against theirs any day.  

Well I am not aware of the details of the hearing in question, but am somewhat  aware of the way the pompous potentate Smith runs some of his meetings.  When setting out ‘rules for meetings’, they have been routinely altered depending on who is speaking, even interrupting those he does not care to hear. 

The acting pompous potentate is neither fair, honest or truthful.  It is too bad the other commissioners do not have enough gumption to stand up to him.

May his days be few and another take his office. 

Yours for good government

Steve Tanner

Bonners Ferry