Saturday, February 01, 2025

Too much government causes decline

| November 19, 2009 8:00 PM

I’m sure that many people in our county were as stunned as I was over Kennon McClintock is praise of Ron Smith and what he has done to “better” our community when the jobless rate is over 15 percent-the second highest since World War II.

It was Ron Smith and Company who gave us the most restrictive planning and zoning regulations the county has ever seen.  This contributed heavily to our economic decline.  Too much government at all levels is what caused our decline.

I suspect that Kennon’s praise for Ron Smith and other community members may have a lot more to do with community member support of a clever little plan which he put together, which transferred $3.34 million from our pockets into his and the company he represents.  Those being done via the Forest Legacy Program, which The Nature Conservancy helped negotiate with Forest Capital Partners.

All Forest Capital Partners had to do was to give their development rights for perpetuity. Now, mind you they didn’t intend to develop the land in the first place, but in addition to that, development and already been severely restricted by Ron Smith and company.

The funding for this further slide into socialism was supported by Idaho’s entire Congressional delegation, Crapo, Risch, Minnick and Simpson-a bipartisan kick in the guts.

The Forest Legacy Program is one of among federal grant progressions designed to implement the United Nations’ global wildlife project aimed at re-building literally half of the United States land areas.

These is being done not because of Laurence Rockerfeller’s love for the environment or habitat for grizzly bears, but only for his lust for power and control of us little people.  It was the Rockerfeller family which provided the initial funding for many of our environmental organizations and also just coincidentally of course, donated the land on which the United Nations building rests.

Wildlands are constructed of habitat zones called “core areas,” in which human activity is increasingly restricted and ultimately eliminated.  The core areas are then linked to restrictive “buffer zones”.  These areas are then connected by networks of “wildlife corridors.” Sound familiar?

Nature Conservancy came on board as a facilitator of this socialite scheme and monumental land grab as a result of the Presidential Council on Sustainable Development create by Clinton in 1993.

In addition to the Forest Legacy Program, we also have the Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program, which is the same type of scam.  Lynn Jantz was the first one to jump on board for this one.

Samuel Adams had this to say about people who choose wealth over liberty.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.  We ask not your council or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon ye and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Robert Vickaryous