Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Tribute to Mary Ellen Thomason

| November 25, 2009 8:00 PM

I met Mary Ellen in 1992.

I worked at the vet clinic and she came in to ask if someone would help her bring her kitty in to be seen as she thought he was sick and couldn’t manage to bring him to the vet herself.

She was such a sweet elderly lady and she seemed so concerned about her cat so I offered to bring him to the clinic for her, and that’s what started a deep friendship of more than a decade. We both loved animals passionately and they were often the topic of conversation in our daily visits.

She was an extremely caring and compassionate woman. When we talked about the state of the dog pound or the poor stray cats all around her neighborhood she would sometimes weep. She encouraged me to do something to help these animals for many years until finally Second Chance was begun.

She was so thrilled to know there were finally people involved in taking care of the strays. She was always interested in our progress and encouraged me daily to continue our endeavors to make things better for the “doggies and kitties” as she called them.

Her emotional support was unending and unconditional. She even adopted an older Cocker Spaniel that came to the pound and Shadow was her best friend and the love of her life to his last day.

When Mary Ellen died I missed her terribly. I couldn’t imagine carrying on without her and thought her dream of having an animal shelter would never happen. To my amazement however, she ensured that we would get one by bequeathing Second Chance an extremely generous financial gift. I vowed to carry on her dream and see that a shelter was built.

Although it has been very tough at times to get where we are now, I have felt Mary Ellen’s presence and encouragement constantly. She didn’t give up on this dream and neither have we.

Today we are breaking ground on this county’s first animal shelter. I want to thank Mary Ellen Thomason for everything she has done for me and Second Chance and I’m honored to be a part of the realization of her dream of having a safe place for the stray “doggies and kitties” of her beloved Boundary County.

Kate Turner