Saturday, March 01, 2025

Are we slipping back to Dark Ages

| October 1, 2009 9:00 PM

I response to Jay Morris and Grace Siler who criticized the school board or not airing the Obama speech.

“Are we slipping back into the Dark Ages?”  Ms. Morris asked.  No we are already there, by way of the Obama Administration and his 40 self appointed czars who answer only to Obama.

These czars are not constitutionally legal. 

Obama has re-instituted the national and international agencies for killing babies.

American tax payers will be paying or the slaughtering of these babies. These death clinics, interesting called health clinics turn an enormous profit on the sale of baby parts.

One of Obama’s czars believes children even up to 2 years of age should dispensed with if the parents decide they don’t want the child.  In the Old testament, people sacrificed children on the altar to Mollock.

of course back then no one profited from the body parts. 

Hitler had some medical clinics too.  Children were used for scientific research.  Have you heard about Hitler’s twin studies?  They went on for some years.

Once a society dictator or resident demonstrates a complete and total disregard for the sanctity of human life you have entered the Dark Ages of a civilization.

Across the sweep of the Western, known world the Dark Ages was characterized by the absence of the Bible and the principles of Christianity.

However on a little western island of Ireland there was no Dark Ages.  Ireland was the only center of civility learning about Christianity.  The highly literate and devoted Irish monks and priests toiled away hand copying and translating all the  literary works they had especially the Bible.

It wasn’t long before they began sailing off to Europe with these meticulously copied bibles and reestablished Christianity.

Wherever Christianity is driven out respect for human life is gone.  Consider past and present dictatorships.  Hitler killed six million.  Stalin killed 60 million of his own citizens.  China is estimated to have killed 20-40 million of their people.  In Cambodia Pol Pot killed several million.  Today what is happening in the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Europe?  There is no respect for the sanctity of human lives.  Where there is no Christianity there is no mercy, no kindness, no justice, no equity and no honesty.

The president wants to force the health care plan on Americans that nether he, the senators, nor the congressmen want for themselves.  The president has not shown that he is a legal citizen of this country.  His medical and education records are all sealed.  No previous president has ever sealed his education records.  Was he registered as a foreign national in college? Wasn’t this to be the presidency of transparency.

American folks believe they are created with certain inalienable rights.  That includes the rights to bear arms to free speech to assemble and even pick their own health care plan.

The Obamas send their girls to the private Sidewell school which costs $40,000 per year for each student.  Obama and one of his czars were instrumental in transforming the Chicago school system.  Today its one of the worst on record for test scores and for violence in the classrooms. 

Obama has given more speeches than any U.S. president in history.  He gives a major speech several times a week.  If its important to listen to him parents can sit their child down almost any day and listen to Obama at home.

Actually Obama loses celebrity every time he speaks.  The reason is that he advocates the Marxist tenets of redistribution of wealth the end result justifies the use of any means and no tolerance of religion.  That explains why every Marxist communist government had exterminated millions of their own people.

You might find the writings of Karl Marx interesting.  Then you could understand why our president is as you stated so controversial.

Also tax cheater, voter fraud, illegal Acorn activity and funding, outright lying about the contents of legislation and about his own past are all acceptable activities by Obama because they achieve his desired results.

Fortunately Americans are not all ignorant unread nor asleep at the switch.

Thomas Cohill wrote “how The Irish Saved Civilization.”

That portion of history is enlightening.  I’m not citing this as a Catholic, I’m Southern Baptist. 

Knowledge of history, long past and recent explains much of what is happening around the world today.

 Becky Corey

Bonners Ferry