Friday, March 14, 2025

Disappointment in PV residents expressed

| September 17, 2009 9:00 PM

After all the recent publishing in the Herald, I have been quite disappointed with the community to which I am a part of.

 It needs to be full noted of what the fire chief has actually done for this department and for the area.  Everyone who writes letters to this paper has forgotten how much Chief Johnson has turned this department around. 

Comparatively Paradise Valley Fire District and South Boundary Fire District are respectfully about the same size.  Paradise Valley has an area that is just a little bit bigger than that of South Boundary and because of that now has a budget that is just a little higher than theirs as well.  People have overlooked the fact that the paid administrator position that South Boundary has is the same pay that Paradise Valley will have as well.

Over the last few years, I have seen the Paradise Valley Fire District grow to such a professional and respectable department.  I thought this would have never happened given the former fire chief that was in charge of this department who only brought corruption and misconduct.  

The former chief wasn’t able to do for the department what Chief Johnson has done. 

Chief Johnson has been volunteering since the beginning with this department putting in well over 70 hours a week, without even so much of acknowledgment from most of the community for his hard work and efforts he has put into the department.

The area of Paradise Valley would not have ever been in this predicament if everyone actually helped their community by paying their dues. 

Now with the taxing having to happen, I believe this will allow for a department that will be able to run according to what it should by state regulations. 

The department needs the money it gets as well as a paid administrator who knows what they are doing.  Chief Johnson, after speaking with him is the most qualified, respectful, dedicated and professional person I have ever met.  He does justice for this department and has been able to turn the reputation around that the former chief had so carelessly made disgrace of.

Daniel and Debra Thatcher

Bonners Ferry