Friday, March 14, 2025

Shame on school board for squelching Obama

| September 17, 2009 9:00 PM

On the first day of school, Tuesday Sept. 8, an historic event occurred when an historic President spoke live to American students of all ages across the nation. But, not to our children! Our school  

board banned the broadcast in all Boundary County schools.

Their excuse? Such a speech was too controversial and they hadn't the time to send permission slips home. Well, Well! Idaho's Superintendent approved it. Laura Bush thought the children should hear it. In the past presidents of both parties have spoken to our children. However because some people objected, none of our children got to share the moment.

Just what did the board think was so controversial? President Obama spoke of taking responsibility, of discovering their own potential and working to develop it to the fullest, of listening to their teachers, parents, and grandparents, and of making the most of their education, thereby improving their own lives and serving their nation. Are not these things that we all want our children to do?

What next? Do we let parents opt their children out of math because they don't believe that 2+2=4, or out of social studies because they don't want them to hear that terribly controversial line about all men being created equal with certain inalienable right?

Are we slipping back into the dark ages? Shame!

Fay Morris