Thursday, March 06, 2025

Candidate for governor talks about feds, wolves

by Julie GOLDER<br
| September 24, 2009 9:00 PM

Rex Rammell, a self-proclaimed simple man who is running for governor of Idaho, spoke about his desire to take the state back from the federal governement.

“I am on a mission to change things my friends,” rammell told about 20 people attending a forum hosted by Idaho for Wildlife in Bonners Ferry. “I am a true conservative; I would be a minority in a minority group.”

If elected in 2010, Rammell he will sign an executive order  allowing anyone to shoot a wolf without following Idaho Fish and game regulations.  Idaho Fish and Game would not be able to site a hunter for taking a wolf and they will turn the other cheek.

“I will have that power as governor,” said Rammell.

He also said at some point Idaho is going to have to become independent of the federal government.

“We can not rely on federal funds coming from these people to keep us alive,” Rammell said.  “In fact we are doing a poor job as it is.   If we could get our land back, Idaho will be the wealthiest state in the lower 48; the only one that could beat us is Alaska.”

Rammell said the way to really change things is not from the bottom up but from the top down. 

He said politics has corrupted the Constitution, and the system is to the point where it will never  interpret the Constitution like Rammell believes it was originally intended.

“The way to save America is the governors of the states,” he said. 

“The states created the federal government.  “The original 13 states entered into the confederacy and formed the federal government.  “They can also uniform it,”  he said.   “If we had 2/3 of the states and 3/4 to ratify it; we could amend President Obama and the liberal politics back East right out of existence.”

According to Rammell Idaho is a high taxed income state compared to others and is not nearly as conservative as it can be.

“Instead of Idaho begging for federal money, if I become  the governor of Idaho, it is my intent to reclaim our land,” said Rammell.  “Two-thirds of Idaho is controlled by federal government in national forest land and by Bureau of Land Management, therefore we have become a welfare state.  They give us a little money in lieu of taxes.”  

Rammell is also in favor of strengthening Idaho’s militia.

“I am talking about challenging the federal government my friends,” he said.

“We are going to have to make a hard stand and the people of Idaho are going to have to be with me and I want a strong militia,  I think that we need to send a strong message that we are not going to take it anymore,” said Rammell.

Kevin Kimp of Idaho Wildlife issued the following statement to The Herald.

“Idaho for Wildlife does not and will not endorse any political candidate running for public office.  We will provide the venue for political candidates to talk to the public.  We believe that offering this platform to educate the public is the best way to have an informed electorate.  We welcome any gubernatorial candidate, Democrat,  Republican or Independent, to speak to the public through our venue.”