Saturday, March 01, 2025

Government: A mess we need to clean up

| September 24, 2009 9:00 PM


Does each of you know why the cost of medicines is so phenomenally high in this country?

 I had hoped that the government would honestly address inefficiency and waste in our health-care system, but upon reading the actual House bill, I can see their goal is control and political manipulation.

During the last 18 months, I “woke up”; I opened my eyes to look at a country I barely recognized. Rampant unemployment, citizens’ jobs being sent overseas and our U.S. Constitution being ignored by Congress.  There is no room here to detail the many ways in which the U.S. Constitution has been violated—but you each know them, like me, don’t you?

 I have heard the word paranoid used to describe people who notice discrepancies with our government.  I took my head out of the sand and opened my eyes.  Folks—that is not paranoia; it is called patriotism, plain and simple.

My reason for writing this letter is simple.  Our children and grandchildren must now grow to adulthood in the environment we have created.  I have learned too much for my heart to be content and happy to pass this future on.

 I feel compelled to do something about improving the mess, the economic collapse and the huge burden, these young people face.

By the way, if you think they don’t face a mess, then you owe it to yourself and to your children to do some research and find out the truth. 

I promise you that viewing network TV news will not provide truth—you must delve deeper!  Once you have an understanding of the corruption now saturating the D.C. government people, you too, will want to use your power, your vote, in the most constructive way that will help us all, God willing.

Please, if you want to know what is really going on.

Find out the truth from your fellow citizens and neighbors by attending local events where the participants’ goal is to improve Idaho’s economic situation and that of our country.

A Very Concerned Citizen and Patriot, Lynda Cranor