Friday, March 14, 2025

Candidate reaches out to concerned Boundary County voter

| April 1, 2010 9:00 PM

To Eleanor Druskell: I am reaching out to you through the Herald as I have not been able to reach you through another means.

First of all, I bear you no ill will in regards to your political assault on me in your letter to the editor on March 25. Since I do not know you and you obviously do not know me, I would like to offer you the opportunity to meet with me at your convenience so that we can discuss your concerns.

When I made my decision to run for county commissioner almost a year ago, I made a pledge that I would not stoop to negative campaigning, name calling or any other political maneuvers that politicians are known for in order to get or stay elected.

I believe such actions only belittle one’s character and weakens the soul. I will stick by my principles and values, and leave the decision up to the voters of this community whether or not they want me to serve them as their commissioner.

Do I have all the answers to allL our problems Eleanor? No. Do I have ideas to make our community stronger and better? Yes, and I would welcome the chance to discuss these ideas with you or anyone else.

 I can be reached at 267-6506 or e-mail me at I look forward to hearing from you Eleanor, and may God give you the strength to help you through these challenging times.


Bonners Ferry