Saturday, March 08, 2025

Name calling isn't the way to voice political differences

| April 1, 2010 9:00 PM

For 30-plus years, Bonners Ferry, Boundary County is dear to my heart even as I watch the disturbing elected officials “shove us into the ground”. Name-calling and character assassination was a disgusting practice we county citizens would not stoop to, or so I thought.

Eleanor Druskell’s letter last week proved me wrong. A sad state of affairs occurs when Eleanor calls an astute and honorable person such as Donna Capurso disgraceful names and then stoops to discussing Capurso’s personal life.

 Donna Capurso will bring intelligence, vitality, creativity, honor and experience to the office of county commissioner. I’ve personally attended county commissioner meetings; the aforementioned qualities do not presently exist on that “distinguished” panel.

When hard working county courthouse employees are discussed I am heartened because I know that Donna Capurso strongly advocates these folks’ work ethic.

Donna Capurso did not say to cut the hours of the courthouse employees; Capurso stands by her statement that if the employees want to close the courthouse Fridays, then they obviously wish to work four days. That is simple to understand. A regular workday is eight hours long Eleanor.

Indeed, we will hold our community together; Donna Capurso does have answers to the problems we face here in this county; I am grateful both for her candidacy and courage to help “take back our county”. Call Donna with questions; she is eager to speak with you: 267-6506. Learn for yourself; be better than one who believes name-calling and gossip.


Boundary County