Friday, March 14, 2025

Silver Lining

by Julie Golder
| April 8, 2010 9:00 PM

It has been almost a month since I began “Cutting It at the Gym” at Iron Mike’s.

I have followed the circuit training work out Mike Davis, owner of Iron Mike’s and certified trainer, designed for me based on the goals we set up at my first session.

I didn’t realize how working out could be such a fantastic release from the stresses of everyday life.

I decided to take it up a notch and try out the spinning class offered at Iron Mike’s and instructed by Kim Dehlbom.

It isn’t spinning straw into gold. It is riding a stationary bike specifically designed for the class.

For one hour you burn calories and spin your butt off, literally. It is a low impact, high-energy work out with no jarring on knees, ankles or back. It isn’t for those shy of sweating, you will leave drenched.

It actually helps develop a lean look. I just look around at the ladies and gentlemen in the class and see the proof.

I am surprised at how much I enjoy the intense work-out. Dehlbom just the kind of high-energy instructor needed to keep the class going and adds a mix of great motivating music. I even got my husband to try it out and now he is a “spinner” as well.

I have gone without an ounce of sugar since I started the program. This is a huge step for me. Davis told me with the plan he could have me off sugar within two weeks. He was right.

Anyone who knows me, I have candy with me at all times. Not for the last four weeks though. I have maintained a diet of veggies, fruit and protein. I eat, as advised by Davis, five, yes count them, five times a day. I eat more now, than I ever have. Once a week I a have a “free day” which usually consists of pizza, one thing that I can’t give up.

My first two weigh-ins went just as Davis told me they would. I didn’t lose an ounce, in fact gained a pound during the first week.

“Don’t step on the scale ever day,” Davis said. “I want you to grab that pair of jeans that you want to fit into and use that as your measure instead.”

According to Davis, most women will gain at first while they are building muscle. Many women get discouraged but Davis said, don’t, soon the weight will just start to drop off.

So by week three, I dropped 3 pounds in one week. … you mean he was right? It was a start, but the true measure is, what have I lost?

Although I haven’t lost a lot of weight, my body is rearranging itself putting everything where it should be. It is sensational.

The most remarkable thing is that my energy level is higher than it has been in longer than I can remember. I have a spring in my step and I sleep wonderfully.

On March 16, my weight was 189.5, my body fat weight was 71.25 pounds, and my lean body muscle weight was 117.25 pounds.

On Tuesday, I weighed in at 187 pounds, my body fat weight came in at 65.5 pounds, and my lean muscle weight came in at 121.5, and as far as I know I am still 5’9” tall. To date I have lost 5.75 pounds of fat, and I have gained 4.25 pounds of lean muscle.

“This is the way to lose weight,” said Davis. “ “Weight is just a number, weight loss is meaningless unless you know what you are losing.”

Again according to Davis, lean muscle mass helps burn fat, the more lean muscle mass the more fat is burned, even while you are stationary. I am burning 1,210 calories while I sleep. When I started the program I was only burning 1,170 in my sleep. That is the muscle taking over.

Davis said he keeps the women looking like women, just because I am building muscle doesn’t mean I will look like a body builder. I am only enhancing and toning, and it is working.

On March 16, my goal was set to lose 29 pounds of fat and gain 9 pounds of lean muscle which means my weight will be 169 pounds, body fat weight to 42.25 pounds, lean muscle weight at 126.5, all by May 25.

This has been a great experience and I feel fantastic and I am ready to see how far down the rabbit hole I can go.

Iron Mike’s offers spinning, yoga, aerobics and Body Blast classes (aerobics using weights, balls, kick boxing and pilates moves) free to members of the gym and $10 per class for non-members.

Tai Chi is offered for $50 per month for members and non-members.

One of my goals is to try at least each class once. I am definitely hooked on spinning.

Spinning with Kim Dehlbom at Iron Mike’s is at 5 and 6:30 p.m., on Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. on Thursday and 8:30 a.m. on Saturday.

For membership and other class information, call 267-5299.