Friday, March 14, 2025


| April 15, 2010 9:00 PM

 We finished up our fun-night of bowling for this season with awards, prizes, and lots of laughs. The 1st half winners, East L.A. Strikers, and the 2nd half winners, Home Town Heroes, all received a nice trophy for their efforts.

The over-all winners for the season were East L.A. Strikers with 138 wins, White lightening with 135 wins, Gutter Rats with 126 wins, We Bad with 101 wins, The Breweres with 94 wins, The Tipsies with 92 wins, and Home Town Heroes with 88 wins.

The Most Improved woman was Edith Myers, increasing her average by 9 pins. Terry Jeppesen was the Most Improved guy, increasing his average by 16 pins.

Woman's high average was held by Sherri Miller, and Kevin Stockton had 204 for the men. Sherri Miller held all the year end highs this season. She had the HSG of 214, HHG of 262, HSS of 580, and HHS of 724.

For the men, Terry Jeppesen came out on top. He had a 246 for HSG, 285 HHG, and 762 HHS. Buster Richards had the HSS of 683.

The Tipsies had the HSG of 758 and HHG of 922. East L.A. Strikers had the HHS of 2168, and We Bad had a 2628 HHS.

Hope you all have a great summer. Be thinking of the new season, and look into getting a team of your own together. We will be looking for teams for evening bowling as well as daytime bowling, three-cour man teams, men, women, and mixed. Finding a sponsor for your team will be our goal as well, if you can't get one. We are really looking forward to a new season, and more new bowlers and teams. Everyone is welcome, no matter how good or bad you think you are. See you next season.