Friday, March 14, 2025

4-Hers shine at county fair

by Mike Weland
| August 26, 2010 9:00 PM

4-H kids from around the county brought their very best to the 2010 Boundary County Fair, and as usual, their best was excellent, in multiple disciplines. As is the goal in 4-H mastery of a field isn't all that matters.

It takes mastery of the students themselves as they impart all they've learned to some very demanding judges, and get rated not only on what they're showing, but on their personal poise and how they handle themselves.

“I don't mind that they don't know something because no one can know everything,” Judge Myron Berger said while judging poultry, “It's how they tell me they don't know.”

Of those showing swine, Regan Byars won champion in quality, Chad Guthrie took reserve champion, Tucker Dirks and Ivy Dirks took honors for top rate of gain, Shyann Murphy was champion showman, Savannah Mendenhall reserve showman, and Nicole Henslee kept the top swine record book.

Austin Friese was champion in lamb qualify, Jade Bridenstine had top rate of gain and Amber Bridenstine was the champion lamb showman.

Laura Worley was reserve champion lamb showman. Champion lamb breeding honors went to Alexandrea Howell and top lamb record book went to Benjamin Geyman.

In beef, Whitney White won champion in quality, Abby Davis took reserve champion and top rate of gain, Beau Cowley won champion in breeding as well as top limousin project, and Jordan Young took reserve champion honors.

Whitney White was champion beef showman and had the fair's top angus market animal. Casey Wyatt was the reserve champion showman and Erica Wood was the champion junior beef showman.

Connor Bennett took the top beef record book award and Jordan Young won honors for the top beef breeding record book.

Mariah Munson earned honors in the demanding art of showing llamas and champion in llama performance while her sister, Gabrielle, took reserve champion honors in both categories as well as top honors in llama record book.

In the rabbit barn, Matthew Gemmrig won champion in quality and Gavin Flower was the champion rabbit showman.

 Ingrid Fields was reserve champion showman and had the top rabbit record book; Cameron Fields won both top honors in rabbit breeding as well as rabbit breeding record book.

In poultry, Kimberly Kramer was the champion showman, Jadin Tucker was reserve champion showman and Daniel Unruh had the top poultry record book.

Alicia Hannahs was champion horse showman and Michaela Voth-Plyler was reserve champion showman and maintained the top horse record book.

In animal sciences, Kendra Smith was champion and Victoria Thomas reserve champion, top dog record book honors went to Austin Friese.

In non-livestock classes, Jacob Fess won champion in visual arts and reserve champion went to Jared Fess.

Rachel Geyman won champion beginning cake decorator and Cassie Clum reserve champion beginning cake decorator. Amelia Dixon won champion in advance cake decorating and Abigail Dixon took reserve champion honors. Amanda Wilson was the champion quilter and Cassie Clum reserve.

Makailah Dowell was champion in scrapbooking and Lexie Levesque reserve champion.

Brittany Spangler was top junior in the style review and her sister, Sierra was top intermediate. Brittany was champion in the style review, Sierra reserve champion.

Crysta McLeish was champion in beginning foods and Erica Wood champion in advanced foods.

Conner Krezman was champion in entomology, Patrick Lepoidevin in archery, Paula Sandelin in the shooting sports, Kate Wood in civic education and Casey Smith in woodworking.

Brenan Smith won the 4-H salesmanship contest and the Roadrunners 4-H Club won the award for top community pride.

Julie Golder contributed to this story