Sunday, March 09, 2025


by SuperintendentDr. Don Bartling
| August 26, 2010 9:00 PM

On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Boundary County School District No.101 I want to welcome you to the new school year, and I invite you to visit our schools and to become more familiar with the educational opportunities that are available for the children who attend this School District.

 We are on a journey toward educational excellence, and we are committed to maintaining our focus on students learning, student achievement, and student success.

 As Superintendent of Schools, I would like to express my appreciation for the support the school has had in recent years. It is an honor to work with students, parents, the community and employees. 

I hope you take time out of your busy schedule this year to visit our schools.

Our schools have a mission to educate every child who walks through our doors.  The hard work our teachers do every day to support our students has a profound and lasting effect on their lives. I am proud of the schools in our community.  This year our district’s superb teachers and administrators will make a difference in the lives of more than 1600 students who enter our schools this fall.

On behalf of the Boundary County School District No. 101 Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, classified staff and myself we would like to welcome students back to school.  We are looking forward to a positive and progressive school year.

Looking at the beginning of a new school year brings thoughts of excitement in working with the youth of our county in the school’s many educational programs.  I

 would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of our community, the businesses, the City Council, the mayor, the county commissioners, our service clubs, our sheriff and police departments, the Forest Service, parents, and taxpayers for their support of our schools.

  The Boundary County School District No. 101 Schools are here to provide educational service to our community and our door is always open to your suggestions and comments. 

Without your support our schools would not enjoy the success we have today. Greatest thanks go to the Board of Trustees President Melanie Staples, vice president Tim Bertling, Gil Hagen, Sulét Hiatt and Lisa Dirks.  Thanks for your leadership and commitment to education of the Boundary County School District No. 101 in the past and for the ensuing year. 

A board member is a challenging position with little or no reward other than knowing you are helping students. The coming year presents continuous challenges including the school budget, school finance, standards, assessment and meeting adequate yearly progress. We appreciate the leadership of the Board of Trustees.

The goals of the district remain the same; to provide the best possible educational programs we can offer the students of Boundary County. We want to reassure the community that we are a progressive school system and that we have an open door policy. 

We want parents and students to know that their opinions and suggestions are valued and that we encourage communication and feel that every problem does have a solution.

 We want each student to enjoy a successful year. Most of all, we care about each and every student.