Monday, March 03, 2025

Bonners Ferry Rotary

| December 30, 2010 7:04 AM

Bonners Ferry Rotary follows tradition with a $2,500 donation to Boundary County School District.  The donation will help implement/convert Accelerated Reader program.  A program shown to significantly increase student reader performance.  

Rotary International is focused on many projects for the continued improvements of the different communities represented thru out the world.  One of the high lighted areas is improving education for our children.

The upgrade will include Valley View, Naples, Mount Hall and Boundary County Middle School.  Bonners Ferry Rotary wishes to thank the community.  Without the  support of the community the rotary would not be able to give back in such a fashion.

Watch for continued articles telling more of what we do to help support the community, both with money and time.  People can go to for continued updates.

Another way the Rotary raises funds is its annual calendar drawing. This fund raiser is currently in progress.