Friday, March 14, 2025

Kootenai Tribe to share stories as part of exhibit

| June 10, 2010 9:00 PM

BONNERS FERRY — The Kootenai Tribe will share stories and traditions at the “Smithsonian Journeys” exhibit at Boundary County Museum Tuesday June 8, through Friday, June 11.

A slide show of Kootenai photos from museum collection will be from 1 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday.

 It will be shown along with a recording of the late Basil White relating oral history. All day Wednesday Rex Aitkin will share dance and Kootenai traditions with students and others.

A free public showing of  “Idaho’s Forgotten War” with special guest Amy Trice, will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday. The free event features a showing of the movie produced by Sonya Rosario which documents the conditions of the Kootenai Tribe that led up to a declaration of war on the United States in 1974, the war, and the ensuing years.

Several members of the Chief Cliff drum group will arrive in regalia to drum and dance on Friday night. Different styles of dances will be shown with an explanation of each dance.

Each week will feature afternoon programs “Let’s Talk about it Tuesday,” “Not for Kid’s only Wednesday,” Thursday evening free family film night, and special guest programs on Friday evenings.

On Tuesday, June 15, facts and fiction surrounding town namesake E.L. Bonner will be revealed by Museum Curator Sue Kemmis.

On Wednesday, June 16, Ed Robbins will provide a lively program on the Pony Express.

 All programs are free and open to the public in the Community Events Centernext to the museum on Main Street.  

The “Smithsonian Journey Stories” exhibit is installed and available for viewing Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Boundary County Museum on Main Street through Saturday, July 10.