Friday, March 14, 2025

Fishing deadlines

| March 18, 2010 9:00 PM

BONNERS FERRY — With the deadline for filing declarations of candidacy just a day away, only two races for county office are thus far being contested.

    As of close of business Tuesday, eight declarations had been filed for six positions. The deadline for filing is 5 p.m. Friday.

    In the only race thus far to be decided in the primary election May 25, incumbent District 2 commissioner Walt Kirby faces challenger Donna Capurso on the Republican ticket.

    The Nov. 2 general election will pit incumbent assessor Dave Ryals, Republican, against challenger Jeffrey Stankiewicz of the Constitution party.

    Running unopposed thus far are Commissioner Dan Dinning, District 3, Clerk/Auditor Glenda Poston, Treasurer Jennifer Fessler and Coroner Mick Mellett.

    In addition, four people have filed declarations for positions on precinct central committees; Democrats Charles “Jason” Thomas, Bonners Ferry precinct, Lisa Robbe, Naples precinct, and Richard Hollenbeck, Valley View precinct; and Republican Donna Standley, Copeland precinct.