Monday, March 03, 2025

Weland needs to examine what defines militias and read Idaho Code

| March 18, 2010 9:00 PM

    I don't know Mike Weland. He might be a very nice guy. But there are a few things I do know about him from his rambling letter of last week.

    He doesn't know what the militia truly represents.

He's never read the Idaho Constitution or Idaho Code (the law).

He has an “interesting” take on early American history. And by “interesting”, I mean upside down and false.

    I'll start my response by covering his first and second points together. Mike says we don't need a militia because we have neighbors. The only problem with that argument is that his neighbors… are the militia.                 According to the Idaho Constitution, Article 14, and Idaho Code Title 46-102, all able-bodied male citizens age 18-45 are members of the Idaho militia.

    This has been at least half of our work since starting to organize, is to educate the people of our state about the true meaning of the word militia. Honestly, re-educate might be a more proper term as most people have been brainwashed into thinking that militia is “someone else” —  a racist, anti-government, anarchy loving, neo-nazi who wants to destroy everything good. Them. Those evil-doers who want to burn down the American way of life.

    While the exact opposite is true. The militia is you. The militia is pro-government. Let me clarify, the militia is pro-constitutional government. The militia is opposed to any form of centralized government, be it national socialism, communism or democracy. Yes, you heard me, democracy. Our founders hated democracy because they knew it would lead to tyranny. They gave us a free constitutional republic to protect our liberties.

    Concerning point three, Weland states that the militia is an idea that “wore out years ago, long before this nation was formed.” Really, then I suppose it would surprise you to learn that George Washington formed a militia unit in Virginia at the start of the war for Independence. So did Ethan Allen in Vermont and Ben Franklin in Pennsylvania.

    I hear people say how the “militia” did little to win the war; that is was won by the Continental Army under Washington, and that the militia mostly turned tail and ran from most battles. I have one question for those who believe this version of history: Where did the Continental Army come from? It was formed by the Continental Congress who called up and nationalized the state militias.

    The so-called militias who fought during the war were really volunteer corps; men who grabbed their guns and joined in the fighting after it had begun. These are the militiawho turned and ran when confronted by British regulars.

    The men who stood their ground and beat back the redcoats were State Militiamen who had trained and organized for years before the war broke out, and who were activated by the Congress into the Continental Army.

    I guess Mike thinks his neighbors should just go about their lives and wait until problem begins, then they can grab their guns and try to help out. I can't help wondering how we would have won our war for independence if our founding fathers had the same beliefs as Mr. Weland.

Jeffrey Stankiewicz