Thursday, January 30, 2025

Plunge raises $3,100 for Idaho Special Olymics

by Julie GOLDER<br
| March 25, 2010 9:00 PM

Over $3,100 raised in the 2010 Penguin Plunge Saturday for Idaho Special Olympics.

The Kootenai River’s temperature was 42 degrees by noon on Saturday when the penguin plungers jumped into the chilly water.

JoJo Baker was EmCee for the event and Sheriff Greg Sprungle had the duty of acclimating the water with a cooler full of ice before the plungers could take to the water.

Bonners Ferry City Police school resource and D.A.R.E. officer Tiffany Murray took the plunge as a hula girl and won best costume and most money raised; brining in $500.

Border Bob’s provided lunch for the large crowd who came to watch the chilly willy’s jump into the river.

Bonners Ferry City Police, Boundary County Sheriff’s Office and U.S. Border Patrol and U.S. Customs organized the plunge.

Other groups who participated were 2010 Junior Miss contestants Taylor Dinning and Rachel Tye, seventh-graders Austin Kerr and Chase Dinning, from Northwoods School   South Boundary Fire Department,  Boundary Volunteer Ambulance, Boundary County Sheriff’s Office and Marine and Boundary County Search and Dive Rescue.

What a good sport Marciavee Cassett  was; the oldest person to take the plunge this year.