Friday, March 14, 2025

Four constitutional amendments

| October 28, 2010 9:00 PM

These constitutional amendments have been approved with a combined 94 percent yes vote by the Idaho state Senate and Idaho House of Representatives. They must now be approved by a simple majority of those voting Tuesday.

Voters will see the following proposed amendments when they cast ballots in the Nov. 2 general election:

• Idaho Hospital Debt Amendment HJR 4

HJR4, the public hospitals amendment, would allow public hospitals to make investments in facilities, equipment, technology and real property to support healthcare services in Idaho. The acquisition of these items must be paid for solely from charges, rents or payments derived from the existing or financed facilities. This will give a financing tool back to public hospitals to meet community needs and to invest in local economies, without increasing taxes or obligating hospital districts, counties or public entities.

 • Airport Facility Bond Amendment HJR 5

HJR5, the airports amendment, would allow public airports to use airport-generated funds to pay debt for investment in land acquisition and facility construction such as terminals, cargo facilities or other projects that would create jobs and grow the local and regional economy. As with the Public Hospitals amendment, public tax dollars would not be allowed to be used to pay these bonds.

• Municipal Electricity  HJR 7

HJR 7, the power cities amendment, would allow a city that owns a municipal power system to enter into longterm supply and transmission agreements and also to issue revenue bonds for electrical generation, transmission and distribution by majority vote in an election. These bonds would need to be paid only from the electrical system rates and charges, or revenues derived from the municipal electric system, and not with tax dollars. Allowing this investment is vital to the continued growth of our energy system to meet the future needs of residents and industry in Idaho.

• Idaho Tuition & Fees Amendment SJR 101

SJR101, the University of Idaho amendment, would allow tuition to be charged by the University of Idaho just as it is at all other state higher education institutions in Idaho. Currently, student fees are charged, but those fees cannot be used for classroom instruction. Approval of this amendment would allow the University of Idaho to fund critical classroom instruction with tuition as they educate our future workforce in Idaho.