Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Open Letter to Ron Smith, County Commissioner:

| October 28, 2010 9:00 PM

You wrote a rumor-spreading letter to the Herald, Oct. 21, 2010 stating: "I would like to lay to rest the rumors perpetuated by Lisa Robbe suggesting that Boundary County Commissioners are considering the privatization of the Community Restorium."  Later that same day you publicly announced that I intended to speak to residents of the Restorium attempting to sway them politically. You were told by numerous people that you were wrong, but you ignored them. 

I categorically deny your accusations and ask that you publicly retract them.

Here are the facts: I’m a member of the Friends of the Restorium. I've been to the Restorium, twice, for Christmas concerts. I’ve lived in Boundary County for 10 years. My agency has provided employment for over 50 local people and served hundreds of families with children with disabilities. I serve on the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities and as Chair of the local Democrats and Vice Chair of the Community Coalition for Families.

What you accuse me of, if true, is completely unethical. I would never do it or stand by and watch someone else do it.

I trust you will present your constituents with factual information. It is your duty as an individual and certainly as Chair of the Commissioners to correct the record or, alternatively, name the source of these rumors which you falsely accuse me of.

Lisa Robbe

Boundary County