Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Many recycle, but more needs done

by Mike WELAND<br
| September 2, 2010 9:00 PM

Recently, the City of Bonners Ferry sent out around 2,000 questionnaires on recycling to city residents who have their garbage picked up on a city route. 

While only a handful have so far been returned, the results show that most currently practice some form of recycling, but agree that more needs to be done.

As of Monday, 149 questionnaires had been tallied, and of those, 82 percent said they currently recycle. Of those, 82 respondents said they recycle using facilities at the landfill, 10 at remote sites, 30 marked other and 27 said they don't recycle.

Most of those who responded also indicated they'd be willing to pay to make recycling even easier.

On the question, “would you use curbside recycling,” 73 percent said they would, with 88 respondents saying they'd pony up $5 a month for the service and 21 saying they wouldn't mind paying $10 a month. Only 31 people said they wouldn't use the service if it were made available.

“We have someone in town that pays for our recyclables,” one respondent wrote. “This community is hurting financially and you are considering charging people for this service?”

“Curbside would be a great service for residents and planets,” wrote another.

The city also asked if people would use unmanned collection sites and what they'd be willing to pay.

“I would pay for curbside,” one wrote in their comments, “but not to take it somewhere.”

But 65 percent of those responded said they would use such sites, and 86 of those said they'd pay $3 a month for the service. Only 11 said they'd pay $8 a month, and 38 said they wouldn't use it.

“No to all,” wrote one respondent, “as we have recycling. Call 290-1179. He meets you and pays you for it.”

Many people wrote to ask why they should be required to pay for using an un-manned site.

While the numbers are interesting, the diversity of opinion is made somewhat more clear by the comments.

“You need to reward people for recycling, not charge them,” wrote one person.

“Recycling should be mandatory,” wrote another.

Then there are the less fortunate among us.

“Single,” one person wrote. “Very little to recycle.”

If you received a questionnaire but haven't taken the time yet to get in on the debate, the city is still accepting and tallying any that come in. If you live in the city and have garbage pickup and you lost your questionnaire, more are available at city hall.