Friday, March 14, 2025

Bonners Ferry is an amazing community

| January 27, 2011 11:06 AM

Bonners Ferry is an amazing community.

In the 17 years we have lived in this community we have heard and proudly spoken this phrase many times. However, after tragedy struck our family and we lost everything in a horrific house fire this phrase took on a much deeper and profound meaning.

On Dec. 1 a fire ignited in our home and due to a propane leak our residence of 16 years was completely destroyed.

No one in the family was injured and for this we will be eternally grateful. Most of the possessions we lost can eventually be replaced, and we only mourn the loss of the special items having little or no monetary value but were treasures to us.

Within hours of this incident numerous family, friends, and community members came to our aid offering their assistance in everyway. We were given clothes, household goods, food, and money to meet our immediate needs and to help replace what we had lost.

But, what touched us the most was the genuine care and concern the community had for our family. The prayers, cards, and words of encouragement were deeply appreciated and brought much peace and comfort to us during this challenging experience. We feel very blessed and are thankful to everyone in the community who generously offered assistance and shared with us their many gifts.

From this day forward when you or someone you know says the words, “Bonners Ferry is an amazing community,” please know these words are not empty but are filled with truth beyond compare.

The Hoisington family

Editor’s note: The Hoisington family includes Rex, Shelly, Andrakay, Aaron, Allia and Aaramie.