Friday, March 14, 2025

Pawsitive Works needs 'Second Chance'

| June 16, 2011 11:06 AM

Pawsitive Works does work.

Just ask Panhandle Animal Shelter’s  probation youth of Sandpoint,  Kootenai Humane Society, probation youth of Coeur d’ Alene  youth from Boulder Creek Academy and the youth and dogs in Spokane. The rescued dogs these youth trained have found forever homes.

Pawsitive Works takes a youth without motivation, without trust , without love, without direction, who are facing $150 to $200 a day detention at tax payers expense and hand them a leash.

That leash gives the youth a chance to learn life skills and lessons by attaching them to a shelter dog, one that just wants the same things out of life; love, sense of trust and security.

After five weeks these dogs have received just that; forever homes. The trained dogs are now dogs that are able to be adopted. The youth feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their ability to do positive works. They have learned life lessons about love, trust and patience.  The youth also learned that they have the ability to work within those limits.

The rewards are awesome.

Bonners Ferry has no program to keep our youth out of detention. The probation department is in favor of this program. Boulder Creek would like to participate with their students, yet there are no dogs.

I ask you, if Pawsitive Works is good enough for the youth and dogs of Sandpoint, Coeur d’ Alene, and Spokane, why are they not good enough for Bonners Ferry?

Our struggling youth and our dogs who are confined in the shelter, some for months and even years deserve it.

Why, Second Chance, do you refuse to give them a second chance?

Helen Chase
