Saturday, December 28, 2024

Now Is Not the Time to Cut Extra-Curricular Programs

| March 3, 2011 7:46 AM

Normally I am not one to sound off on issues regarding the levy; however, I think it is important to bring to the community’s attention all of the selfless and charitable actions Bonners Ferry High School students make through their extra-curricular activities.

This year at Homecoming, students collected over 700 cans of food that were donated to the Mount Hall Food Bank.

During our annual Moose Madness competition students raised $2,200 last year to be donated to the Community Action Partnership. This year, students raised $1,142 to be donated to Boundary County’s Habitat for Humanity. All money donated is entirely student generated.

Just this year, students volunteered their time and donated their own money to help Care-n-Share raise over $600 for less fortunate children in our community.

In November, the BFHS student council donated five Thanksgiving baskets to the Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive. Aside from monetary contributions, students also volunteered to serve at the Community Breakfast, the Father of All Yard Sales, Fill-the-Bus campaign and donate yearly to the Inland Northwest Blood Drive.

Extra-curricular activities enable students at BFHS to be selfless and charitable citizens of Boundary County. I cannot emphasize enough that now is not the time to cut these programs.

Please continue to support our positive youth of Boundary County by voting yes on March 8th.

Lisa Naccarato

Bonners Ferry