Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Coomunity needs to pull together; do best with less

| March 17, 2011 8:18 AM

No surprise that the town districts would support the school bond.  It is a surprise that Naples did.  The levy means the tax money from all the farms and businesses of Porthill, Eastport, Mt. Hall, Evergreen, Moyie, Naples and Copeland will go to support the sports programs and extra curricular activities at the Bonners Ferry schools where town kids can participate and excel. 

The children of the country schools seldom get to participate due to gas costs and timing. The current school system has been closing down the country schools where these kids could participate.

Our whole country’s economy is in the toilet. This isn’t going to last forever, just as the 30’s depression didn’t. I would think the kids would be willing to tighten their belts to help their parents get through these times. They will learn to use their creativity as the thirties kids did.

When I started work at Guy Bennett Lumber Company in Clarkston, I was told they hadn’t had a raise in at least eight years. It was a difficult time for the lumber business. At that time, the cost of living kept going up anyway.I started work at Guy Bennett in 1991. The raises did come while I worked there.

In this economy there are many people who don’t even have jobs. So those people, who can find work elsewhere and want to leave Bonners Ferry, should do so. It’s their privilege. The rest of us have to pull together and do the best we can on less.

Billie L. Krause