Sunday, March 02, 2025

Spare building supplies needed

| November 3, 2011 7:41 AM

A tear from Heaven.

Living in north Idaho for almost 20 years and knowing how my neighbors are here I am impelled to tell you this story for help.

 My brother bought some property here in north Idaho to build their dream home. The loan on his home where he was living kept building up. Then he passed away with brain cancer. All was lost but a small piece of property.

 My grief stricken sister-in-law was determined to move here to complete the dream they had together. Now my mountain woman sister-in-law is struggling to build her a little shack to live in, with hopes of someday building her home on the land she had managed to save.  

She has been working hard for just a roof over her head. A woman building her home not asking for any help. She had four walls, 75 percent  of the roof on, Sub floor out of scraps. I am very proud of her for not letting her grief overcome her fight for survival and for what she has built on her own.

 She is a very hard worker and does not let doing things alone stop her. With seeing her on her own I realize how blessed I am. I remembered I could have been in the same shoes myself after loosing my husband to cancer. Seeing this has brought a tear to my eye and I know my brother as well. This impelled me to write this story.

 Now please, here is where I am praying and asking for some help from my neighbors. If you have any left over insulation, wood, tin, doors, flooring, fencing post for a pen for her dogs, sink, cabinets, nails, generator, old circular saw, drill, stain, she is using hammer and hand saw at this time. Any materials that are lying around or heading for the dump Please donate them for a woman that is trying so very har to survive. Please just donate any building materials. I know how our community can help someone in need. So I am heavy hearted to help as much as possible. Thank you and most of all please say a prayer for this mountain woman to just keep strong a little longer and for this next year to be a little kinder for her. Thank you to all my neighbors. God bless.

Out of the kindness of their heart E L internet NW has a drop off place yard or call Linda 208-290-1483 or Cassandra at 208-290-3060 If any interest in doing some building please call.

Cassandra Rutherford Eckberg

Bonners Ferry