Friday, March 14, 2025

"Oliver" begins at 7 p.m. at Becker Auditorium

by Sommer Kahanek
| November 17, 2011 5:54 AM

"Oliver" will go on as planned even as school for Boundary County School District was closed for a the snow day, Thursday, Nov. 17.

“Oliver” will open at 7 p.m. this Thursday, Nov. 17, and run through Saturday all shows beginning at 7 p.m., in Becker Auditorium. It is a must see. 

This past Friday, the cast from “Oliver” traveled down to Coeur d’Alene to perform at the School Board Convention. There, in front of a dining hall full of representatives from across the state, our kids performed.  

Nearly 50 cast members, ranging in age from 3-18, sang songs from the upcoming “Oliver” performance. 

My little girl is six and is one of the “Oliver” orphans. When I first started taking her to the Saturday rehearsals this past July, I never dreamed that it would be this big of a production. But this past Friday as I watched this group, of talented young people, perform effortlessly in front of a crowded room of strangers and receive a standing ovation, my heart filled with pride. 

Bonners Ferry is very blessed to have David and Dawn Carpenter in our community running this show. 

They have given so much of their time to make this play an amazing experience. They have pulled together a group of kids who not only span a broad age gap, but are from different schools, and some even a different state. The lessons that they have taught these youngsters run deeper than just learning how to act.

The kids share a comradeship with each other that is so special.  I’ve been privileged to be able to witness part of their journey as they’ve evolved from a room full of kids learning songs (some too young to even read yet) to a stage full of performers bringing smiles to my face and tears to my eyes.  It’s amazing to watch how the big kids have taken the little ones under their wings, guiding and encouraging them as a mom I am so pleased by this program.

The Carpenters have created more than just a well performing group of actors, but a family. 

They all have worked so hard, giving up afternoons and weekends, striving to do their best to learn the arts and give us the audience an entertaining experience we’ll always treasure. 

“Oliver” will open at 7 p.m. this Thursday, Nov. 17, and run through Saturday all shows beginning at 7 p.m. It is a must see.