Saturday, December 28, 2024

Fair board vacacy still available

| October 13, 2011 8:44 AM

 The Boundary County Fair Board said a vacancy on the board has still has not been filled.

Applicants will be reviewed at the Nov. 7,  fair board meeting and letters of intent must be received by Oct. 27.

The qualified candidate must be able to attend monthly evening meetings held on the first Monday of each month. If holidays occur the meeting will usually will be held the following Monday. 

Fairgrounds projects may require board member’s assistance to complete a job. Before the fair there may be additional meetings or work days to complete fair projects. The Boundary County Fair Board is responsible for putting together the county fair and maintaining all fairground facilities.

 This is one of seven volunteer positions that requires the ability to work with people effectively. 

Please submit a letter of intent to:

Boundary County Fair Board, PO Box 3098, Bonners Ferry, ID  83805 or email: