Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Timber left to rot near Burton Peak

| October 13, 2011 9:00 AM

After a quick trip into Burton Peak with my video camera, it sickened me to see a million feet of timber laying on the ground, left to rot.

A perfectly good road that will be decomissioned, so access by the public will not be possible. There is enough wood, in just one of the trees I saw laying on the ground, to supply my household in heat, for three or four years.

It is criminal. The people who at one time were in charge of managing our public lands are now responsible for the systematic sabotage of public access and harvest of our best natural resorce.

It is my feeling all these people should be gathered up, starting at the top, imprisoned on life sentancing for the act of terrorism, only to be let out on work release, to clean up there blown up culverts, blown down, dead and dying messes, they call timber management.

It has evolved from utilizing natural resorces for the good of the comunity, and the health of the forest, to making it untouchable to the public, for the good of a grizzly bear, or a caribou.

Not for the better, but my how things have changed!  

Guy Patchen

Bonners Ferry