Friday, March 14, 2025

More about missing hikers found safe

| September 22, 2011 6:37 AM

When I heard my childhood friend Melody Braden was lost with Ray Sayers, I wanted to look for them. Alicia told me that a helicopter, and a long list people including Search and Rescue were already looking.

She assigned me to a search party made of family friend Jim Cadnum, and neighbor Bob Parker. We drove to Trout Creek road only to find the Deputy Sheriff had closed the road. We turned home, but Bob spoke up, saying we should search anyways. Jim and I agreed.

We decided to search Ball Creek drainage. Jim parked the truck when the road disappeared into alder brush. None of us expected to find Ray and Melody, but had to try. Our pace was brisk on the overgrown road, but slowed considerably when we turned up the mountainside. Much of the time we were in yelling distance from one another, but were out of sight. For an hour and a half we bumbled up the mountainside yelling every so often, and meeting up to discuss our next move. Jim checked the map to chart our progress.

After another yelling session, we stood and listened. Hearing a voice, we took off bounding through the forest toward it. We stopped to yell and listen again, but heard nothing. Worriedly we tried once more, and this time heard a faint voice. Again we pursued it. The voice became clearer, and Ray and Melody popped out of the woods. Jim, Bob, and I overwhelmed them with food, and water. In our excitement we tried to go too fast forgetting that Ray and Melody were exhausted after a cold, sleepless, fearful night.

After 10 minutes hiking down the overgrown road, we got flustered, thought we were on the wrong road, checked the map, went off road for five minutes, realized our mistake, and got back on track ending up at the truck.

When we reached cell service I contacted Melody's family. I received instructions from my family to inform the Sheriff's Office Melody and Ray had been found.

 They asked us to stay put at the bottom of Trout Creek road. Melody's family arrived and had a tearful joyful reunion. A very nice border patroller showed up offering medical attention and blankets. He confirmed Ray and Melody's identity. After the fact I am grateful to be from a community where so many people offer help to a family in a crises.  As for Bob, Jim, and me being the rescuers, I'm going to chalk it up to dumb luck.     

Molly Rifkin

Bonners Ferry