Friday, March 14, 2025

Rotary names students of the month

| December 28, 2012 8:00 AM

The Rotary Club’s November students of the month are Lakota McLean and Michael Warren.

December students of month are Hailey Beazer and Jacob Gray.

Student’s were chosen for their high school, community, and job experiences.

Lakota McLean plans to attend the University of Idaho and major in agriculture.

Perhaps she will also find time to play golf as well, having participated in golf at Bonners Ferry High School.

Michael Warren has extensive involvement in scouting and church activities.

He’s proud of his Eagle Scout award and the fact that he has had a job since he was 12.

Hailey Beazer has excelled in soccer and has been actively involved with the BFHS Honor Choir and Distinguished Young Women of Bonners Ferry.

Jacob Gray has enjoyed discovering how things work and plans to study mechanical engineering at the University of Idaho.

The winning students have demonstrated the characteristics of Rotary’s “4-Way Test” — Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all Concerned? Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships? Will it be Beneficial to all Concerned?