Tuesday, January 14, 2025

BFHS FIRST in robotics competition

| February 16, 2012 4:26 AM

Bonners Ferry High school Robotics team are participating in a competition broadcasted by NASA, said teacher Ed Katz.

The BFHS FIRST Team 2130, along with other FIRST Robotics teams across the world, received their challenge at the worldwide Kick Off on Jan. 7.

The teams have until Feb. 21 to complete robots for competitions.

For this year’s FIRST 2012 competition, competitors are to design, program and build a robot that can shoot foam basketballs into a series of basketball hoops on either side of the court.

Points are awarded for shooting into the team’s designated baskets. These four basketball hoops are positioned in a diamond, with one higher basket, two middle and one lower; more points are awarded the higher the basket.

The game does not only consist of basketball, the robots must be able to maneuver through a series of obstacles such as barriers, ramps and other opposing teams robots.  

A robotics game is played with two alliances consisting of three teams each, so there are six robots on the field at a time.

The BFHS robotics team appreciate their mentors who voluntarily give up their time to help. The BFHS robotics team also appreciate the generous sponsors who help them. 

BFHS FIRST Team 2130  are on their way to creating a promising robot for the competition in Portland, according to Katz.